Elder abuse is a serious issue affecting about 1 in every 10 senior citizens in America, as stated by reported cases. The toll that elder abuse can take on a senior can be devastating. The impact of the abuse can be felt physically, emotionally, psychologically, and financially. It can also be difficult for a senior to come forward about abuse, especially if the abuser is a family member. For our previous article on the different types of elder abuse, click here.

Physical Impacts

Elderly victims of abuse are often more frail than other abuse victims. Due to their advanced age, it is easier for an elderly person to become bruised, break bones, etc. Physical signs of elder abuse are more easily noticed. Physical and sexual abuse may result in visible injuries, such as bruises, soreness, sprains, and broken bones.

Emotional and Psychological Impacts

Abuse can take more than just a physical toll on a senior citizen. Abuse, in any form, can be emotionally devastating to the victim. Any type of elder abuse can have an emotional impact on the victim. Emotional impacts can include depression, lack of sleep or appetite, anxiety and isolation.

Financial Impacts

It goes without saying that financial abuse has financial impacts. If a senior citizen is being taken advantage of financially, they can lose money and assets to their abuser. But they may be left without enough to support themselves. Additionally, abuse of any kind may mean that you will have to relocate the elderly person. If they are abused by a caretaker, you may want to consider full time nursing home care which has its own set of financial burdens. For more information on financial abuse, read our article here.

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